Selling A Business: 4 Critical Steps


Whether you're selling a business, or buying one, the process is similar. In fact, many people buy and sell businesses every day. 

While it's easy to get lost in the details of the sale, there are some steps that are critical to your success -- and they don't require any special knowledge or experience on your part. We're going to take a look at those steps here.


Before you begin to sell your business, it's important to know what the key factors are and how they can help or hinder your success.

In this section, we'll discuss common mistakes made by sellers of businesses and how you can avoid them. We'll also talk about how to attract more buyers, get a good price for your business and even learn what the best way is to sell it!


Paperwork is one of the most important steps in selling a business. It's also one of the most time-consuming. To ensure that you don't miss anything and have all your bases covered, we recommend following these tips:

  • Make sure to complete all necessary forms and paperwork before beginning negotiations with potential buyers. If they do not receive everything they need from you upfront; they may walk away from the deal altogether.
  • Include all relevant financial information about your company--not just numbers but also legal documents (e.g., contracts) and correspondence (e.g., emails). This will help buyers get a clearer picture of how things work at each stage of their due diligence process so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to purchase it later on down the line!

Selling My Business Calculator

The Right broker

You want to find a broker who is familiar with your industry and has a good reputation. You also want to make sure that they have experience selling businesses similar to yours. 

If you are selling a restaurant, for example, it's probably not wise to use the same broker who sells office buildings or manufacturing plants.

Finally, look for someone who can give you advice on the best way to sell your business--and this might mean taking their advice into consideration when deciding whether or not they're right for the job! Plus, you can use Selling My Business Calculator to check the value of your business.

The Marketing Piece

The marketing piece is where many business owners get stuck. They think of selling a business like they would sell a product--you put it on the shelf and wait for people to come in and buy it. For the accurate value, you can use Selling My Business Calculator that helps you to sell a business at a good price.

But a business isn't a product; it's an asset that generates revenue and can be used as collateral for loans, so there's much more involved in getting it off the ground than just putting up signs around town (though those are important too).

You need to be able to articulate why someone should buy this particular company over another one with similar offerings or benefits--and then show them how you'll make their money once they do buy it!


With the right broker, you can sell your business in just a few weeks. The best way to find a broker is by asking friends and family members who have sold their businesses before.
